A short text-based horror game about choosing what to believe.


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(2 edits)

This game was incredibly compelling, kudos for making Moby Dick readable :P I love the mystery of this, and the fact that it never really gets solved. Reminds me heavily of Life of Pi as well as this game by Porpentine. The imagery you used for Moby Dick and the scenery evokes your story in a great way, I had a great time reading it! You did a great job playing with narration and perspective, I really felt that twist.
If I had to nitpick, I'd say to make the viewbox a little shorter so it fit on the screen, but otherwise this was a really fantastic read. Great job!!

(1 edit)

we both love, in this zoom classroom, omnious red text :]

Very interesting story and style-i love the pacing especially with making some lines only appear one line at a time. The logical concluision system is also very fun too! I rarely failed at it, besides the one time (i thought ahab kidnapped me, and him yelling at me made me more sus of that) and i like the little twist at the end of the red text. although, i'm not sure what its supposed to be, since it kind of comes out of nowhere. is it moby dick? myself? you? ....is it hideo kojima?

wonderful job with a nice wonderful twist!